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The Sacred Heart Language College


Curriculum statement – P.E.

‘Confident in God’s love for us, we commit ourselves to His service’

We believe the work we do in P.E. is central to all students' physical and mental well-being. Our intention in the P.E Department, therefore, is to ensure all students can engage in physical activity and sport, regardless of their needs or sporting abilities, and ensure all members of our school community have access to the knowledge and experiences they need to make sound choices about their own health, during and beyond their time at secondary school. We place an immense emphasis on a strong sense of leadership and development of the whole character, evolving performers as leaders as well as athletes to maximise love of sport.

We aim to offer high-quality provision for all students by providing and delivering a broad and balanced multifaceted curriculum adhering to the National Curriculum strands for PE. Underpinning the delivery of P.E. within The Sacred Heart Language College is a commitment to allow the greatest number of opportunities, for the greatest number of students, in the greatest number of sports possible.

High Opportunities + High numbers of students + large range of sports = Success!

We are committed to developing an environment in which students work outside of their comfort zone, utilising new opportunities and embracing mistakes and misconceptions as a method of improvement. Learning is progressive, stimulating and allows challenge within performance. Our department is one that prides itself on being revolutionary as opposed to reactionary, and high standards are embedded within all areas.

Extra-curricular clubs and sports teams are very important to us at TSHLC, and we work hard to ensure our students can represent the school in fixtures and competitions. To this end, we utilise external coaches and liaising with feeder Primary Schools to increase opportunities for extra-curricular activities in some sports, such as football. Although some of our teams are often successful, the departments priority is to be fully inclusive and to give any student the opportunity to participate regardless of their ability. As a department we offer leadership opportunities with Y11 Sports Captains and offering the Duke of Edinburgh Award to Y10 students and allowing students with talents to support in extracurricular clubs. In this way, more students can feel part of a team and more students can feel proud of representing the school.