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The Sacred Heart Language College

Summer Reading Challenge 2016


During their Induction day in July 2016 the Year 7 students had a lesson in the Study Centre. They were all set a ‘Summer Reading  Challenge’ .

Each student was  given a ‘Recommended Summer Reads’ sheet and was challenged to read one of the books from the list and to fill out  a Book Report sheet over the summer holidays.

The students who took up the challenge and handed their Book Reports in at the beginning of this term were commended for their participation during an Assembly and given certificates. Each form had two overall winners and these students also received a prize.

They were able to count the book towards their Year 7 ‘Reading  Challenge’ scheme.

Well done to all students who took part!    

Winners - 7H - Keira Fernandes , Esme O’Malley

7EHannah Stewart and Elizabeth Tanazi

7A – Anastasi Mather & Melissa von Motz

7R –Seyi Adeyanju & Olivia McFarlane-Swift

7T – Rachel Fernandes & Amina Zebiri